August 2007

Beyond ramen noodles: how to thrive on and off campus

By Mary Kay Johnston
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Pack light. That’s first-hand advice (and words to live by) from Mary Kay Shanley and Julia Johnston’s Survival Secrets of College Students. Even as you cram in more flip-flops and your iPhone, be sure to leave room for these time-saving, health-preserving new books they won’t take up much space and they could prove as indispensable as duct tape or alarm clock number two. Chapter titles in Survival Secrets (aside from What to Take or Not, ) include Orientation: You’re New, You’re Nervous and You Need It, Roommates; Friends, Foes, or Somewhere in Between and Love, Sex, Alcohol and Drugs. The advice ranges from the deadly serious Freshmen make up 24 percent of students enrolled in four-year institutions, but they account for 35 percent of student deaths, with almost one-third caused by alcohol or drug overdose to cheerful banter about getting up for early classes: Consider only 8 a.m. classes that are less than 10 minutes from your bed. Students from colleges across the country provide their personal stories and suggestions, like this tip from a senior, offering his angle on where to get the best free food: Girls’ rooms. They’re always full of snacks. The girls say, My parents sent all this food and I don’t want to eat it by myself.’ This handy guide will help the uninitiated handle everything from homesickness to heavy course loads, with the self-assurance of, well, maybe not a senior, but at least someone with a couple of semesters under his/her belt!

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